
 I hope everyone's had a restful Easter Break. This break I made use of my free time by watching my newest favorite anime, モブサイコ100(Mob Psycho 100). This is definitely one of the better anime that I've started recently, and I'm actually kind of disappointed it took me this long to get into it. Distinguishable by it's...interesting animation style, モブサイコ100doesn't concern itself by looking "pretty." It focuses more on it's incredible characters and hilarious premise. In essence, it follows an incredibly powerful psychic, Mob, who is in middle school and works part-time for an exorcism clinic. The kicker, though, is that his "master," who he believes is also a psychic, is actually a fake. This lends itself to some incredibly funny sequences. It's not all fun and games, though, as the show tackles real life issues like finding meaning in life, dealing with emotions, living up to expectations, and learning how to take responsibility for your actions. It's definitely worth a look, but be warned -- the art style isn't for everyone and definitely takes some getting used to. Once you do, though, it adds so much to the overall experience.
 Overall, I'd say I watched 13 episodes, each about 22 minutes. This totals out to about 286 minutes, or 5ish hours. It was definitely worth it, though, and I would highly recommend it to anyone looking for a good action/comedy anime.

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