I hope everyone had a good break. While I was on mine, I watched a ton of anime. One anime, in particular, I found extremely interesting -- called Promised Neverland. It's a pretty dark show, which appears to be the trend regarding the kinds of shows I watch. To talk about the plot would be to spoil the whole surprise, so just as an appetizer, I'll say that it's about a group of orphan children who live a seemingly perfect life on a farm. Obviously, things aren't as perfect as they appear, and when the smartest kids in the class find out the secret behind the "adoption" system, we have ourselves a really intense and suspenseful show.
The plot is riveting, and the animation is all but immaculate. Add all that to the fact that you never really know who's sided with who or what's really going on, it proves to be a show one could easily binge in a weekend. Unfortunately, it's still running, so I had to catch up and now I'm just waiting on the episodes week by week.
In addition to Promised Neverland, I started a new show called Rising of the Shield Hero. At first, it seemed pretty boring and/or predictable, but the first episode has an hour and a half runtime, and when the twist hits, it really throws you through a loop. For the first thirty minutes, I was honestly pretty bored, but I was instructed to at least watch the first episode all the way through, and I'm glad I did. It's a redemption story with the classic adventure Dungeons and Dragons kinda feel.
Overall, I loved both shows, but they're still ongoing, so most of what I was watching was catch-up. Both shows have 9 episodes currently, and with the hour and a half length of the pilot for Rising of the Shield Hero, all in all I watched aboout 7 1/2 hours of anime over the break.

たくさんアニメを見て、いいですよ。Promise Neverland はおもしろそうなアニメです